Monday, June 9, 2008

Second one: Fluid, Cow Print, and Avocado

So, now I'm shadowing Tom Hackett. He is a Copy Writer at Saatchi & Saatchi. He has a brilliant British accent. I'm in the coolest pad. It's actually not a pad at all. Some kind of design media studio music house or other. It's called Fluid. Everyone here is so interesting and dresses so cool. The old people are young, and the young ppl are hip and stylish in an old way. As if they've been living this way for decades. It's amazing. What I just learned? New York keeps people fresh. It keeps life fresh. With all the moving and shaking and ins and outs and moves and statics and ups and downs and....just the movement of every aspect of always allows something to evolve. New York is evolution in action.

I just read this and it sounds like I'm on speed. I definitely have some type of ADD. Just jumping from thought to thought until my thoughts together sound as separate ideas. Short sentences punctuated by even shorter ones. Hey, that's my thinking process for you!

Also, I guess I have been asking some good questions. The producer, Dean, said I'm like a regular Barbara Walters. And then, I guess he noticed my skin color, and immediately corrected it to maybe an Oprah Winfrey. I'm not offended. He was trying to connect. Make it seem more realistic. Maybe.

This place IS exciting in a way though. Hardwood floors all around. There's an authentic cow skin rug beneath a tiled coffee table of 4 art deco type orange sunflowers. In the corner of the room is a vintage leather tufted scoop chair with matching foot stool. Did I mention the color. Lemon. School buses have nothing on this chair. I'm sitting in a plaid vintage arm chair. Tom and this cool guy, yet to figure out his name although I've been talking to him for the past two or three hours, are on a plain square couch. Tweed. Above this quaint sofa is a 4-ft picture of Queen Elizabeth that reads "God save the Queen. She Ain't No Human Being...Sex Pistols." not necessarily read in that order. On the opposite wall is a Panasonic plasma television. Here I suppose it's a mere display screen.

And then I was fed. But it was pretty bland. I had to add some seasonings to it. I'm pretty sure it cost an arm and a leg. These tiny sandwiches here will cost you an organ just to glance at them. Here in New York you'll be on an installment plan just for your lunch break.

Anyhoo, I suppose I should stop. Especially before this gets erased since i'm new to this blogspot. Oh yes, did I make a good impression on these people. I hope I did.